Vital Stats:
Height: 6 feetWeight: 130
Ethnicity: hispanic
Hair Type: wavey
Hair Length: long
Hair Description: tips of give off sparks when Chaos is in her midst
Body Type:
Body Description: her touch has the ability to see what is troubling that person
Shoni is dressed in comfortable, fire proof, bullet proof, modernly camouflaged colors. She is able to to move with ease & can blend in with her surroundings.
Shoni was born into an abusive family where she, along with her siblings, endured years of abuse, (because of this, she vowed never to drink or smoke & is a pacifist, avoiding violence, when possible). One day, after being knocked across the room by her father, she crashed against a lamp and the loose electrical wires, which combined with the anger she felt at that moment, gave her super hero powers of above average strength, electricity & gained control of energy. She was able to create a force field to protect her from further injury to herself & her family. Likewise, the electrical charge re-circuited her brain to instantly transport her at will to any location she could think of, instantly.
Shoni, through her compassion, felt it was her duty & obligation to protect those who could not protect themselves. She can be found wherever the old, weak & young need her assistance.