Vital Stats:
Height: 6 feet 8Weight:
Ethnicity: asian
Hair Type: straight
Hair Length: long
Hair Description:
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Body Description:
It is pink, purple, and blue. I have a pink skirt. I have a blue strapless top. I have purple long socks.
I, a normal girl was at a game in basketball .....then suddenly a girl got hit by the ball on her face. Something strange happened to me because I just teleported to her. Once I teleported to her i helped her imediatly. I was really surprised. I did not know how I teleported. It was amazing. Ever since I've been practicing teleporting.
I would change bad thing to good things. <3 :) If there is a thief I would use my powers to trap them. I would help by taking care of people and and helping people. I would change this world to a good world. I will be famous. Everyone will be thanking me. Even if its a small problem i will help. I would do anything to help you guys.