Super Hero
Vital Stats:
Height: 5 feet 5Weight: 110
Ethnicity: asian
Hair Type: straight
Hair Length: long
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With comfort and red blue and has a sword and a cap
Phannokyos was in a foster home she was treated badly. She ran away. Once she reached into a field she saw a blue sparkle she grabbed it. Something happen it turned bright and went inside of her. She told herself what just happen and closed her eyes and opened it.She found a hotel. One day a lady was walking down the street. A car was out of control she did not see it.Phannokyos ran and grabbed her and suddenly teleported her safely. She was surprised what happened. In the woods she met shakti. Shakti said you have the abilities of fire and teleportation.You are a member of the shakti warriors.
I want to deafeat minons and help other and tell them your not alone. I will also stop chaos